Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Little Helper

Each Wednesday I am the teacher's helper in M's 1st grade class.  Today was the pillowcase keepsake project.  Each child brings in a pillow case and then parent volunteers write on the poem.  Today, I painted the child's hand and then we stamped it on the pillowcase.  I love her teacher, Mrs H., and the boys & girls in her class.  It was a fun morning. More handprints to be done tomorrow -- but that's for a different mom!  I'll be at the Nature Center with W's 3rd grade class.  Oh, yes, as a thank you, Mrs H. gave me a lovely pink begonia hanging basket  and a water globe.  She knows me well -- pink and not so green of a thumb.


  1. That's a sweet little rhyme.

  2. Hi, Wendy! You know, my sister-in-law Jane is a Mrs. H at Leonard Elementary...Could it be the same person?
    What a sweet project! xo Anne
