Who do we have to thank for the public lending library?
Ben Franklin
In 1731, Benjamin Franklin and 50 of his friends founded The Library Co. of Philadelphia so people of moderate means could better themselves through reading.
I've rediscovered my local public library. Check yours out. Books, audio books, videos, magazines, computers, most for free with your library card. Our library does charge a modest rental fee for the NYT bestsellers. Visit your library's website and make sure the book you want is available - if it's not, place a hold and you can be e-mailed when it's checked in.
Bored with your local library, visit the library in the next town or the city where you work. Oh don't forget about the great used book store in the library too.
When I first started my consulting business I was not set up with a home office yet...the public library became my office for about two weeks and was a great way to help me get going without incurring any costs. Thanks for the reminder of what a great resource we have!