For as long as I can recall, I am a Diet Coke snob. It's my preferred non-alcoholic beverage. I could be offered a free life time supply of beverages from the "other one" and I'd decline. When at a restaurant I will always order Diet Coke, if the server says, we have the other one, I will ask for water and make a request that the restaurant consider switching to Coke products. The server will usually indicate most guests prefer Coke. Even my beloved Spartan stadium has gone to the "dark side" which greatly disappoints me, but I believe that decision was all about the money.
Now, I have no incentive to endorse, support or promote Diet Coke. But I've recently discovered through my friend SV, that there's this great program called Coke Rewards. Yes, you enter the codes on the bottle caps of any Coke product or the tear off opening on 12 packs and earn points to "win" prizes. SV tells me this has been going on forever. I NEVER knew. Perhaps I was so desperate for a drink, all the advertising just passed me by. Now I have more incentive to imbibe - like I needed it.
I'm with ya. Recently IHOP switched from coke products to 'the other one.' Needless to say I was devastated. ;-)